Saturday, January 25, 2020

Analysis of Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, and Humanism

Analysis of Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, and Humanism Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, Humanism DOROTHY ASHTON Abstract This assignment discusses the historical brass tacks of three most important schools of contemplation within the field of psychology: Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, and Humanism. I will be using these particular theories and concepts to understand a particular case scenario. It also compares and contrasting the strengths and the limitations of each theory. School of Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis began as a tool for improving poignant anguish; it’s a therapy technique for education about the psyche, and also a way of appreciative the process of customary on a daily basis mental implementation and the stages of normal expansion from formative years to elderly age. The idea of psychotherapy first started to receive serious attention under Sigmund Freud in Vienna in the 1890s. Freud was a neurologist trying to find an valuable management for patients with neurotic or uproarious symptoms. Freud’s normal mind theory was serene of three elements: the id, the ego and the superego. The id is composed of primordial urges, while the ego is the building block of moral fiber, thought-provoking with dealing with authenticity. The superego is the component of individuality that holds all of the ethics and principles we pick up on from our parents and culture. Freud understood to facilitate the communication of these three elements was what led to all of the mul tifaceted human behaviors. Anna Freud’s contributions to psychology were the field of child psychoanalysis and her work contribute greatly to our understanding of child psychology. The majority of Anna’s education was from her father Sigmund Freud’s friends and associates. Carl Jung determined to learn medication but urbanized a interest in divine phenomena. His attraction with remedy and theology led him into the field of psychiatry that he viewed as a amalgamation of his interests. I know that Jung’s theory created major criticism and his work left extraordinary blow on psychology. One of his concepts was introversion and extraversion contributed to character psychology and also predisposed psychotherapy. He gave recommendation on serene affliction from alcoholism led to the arrangement of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) that helped millions of citizens’ anguish from alcohol reliance. Erikson depleted moment in time learning the edifying life of the South Dakota and in northern California. Erik utilizes the comprehension he earned of edifying, ecological, and societal influences to press forward amplify his psychoanalytic speculation. Freud’s conjecture had paying attention on the psychosexual portions of adulthood, Erikson’s accumulation of other influences helped to become wider and increase psychoanalytic hypothesis. He in addition contributed to our sympathetic of individuality as it is urbanized and wrought in excess of the path of the natural life. Erik’s annotations of offspring also helped set the arena for promote follow a line of exploration. This article by Christopher Spera â€Å"A Review of the Relationship Among Parenting Practices, Parenting Styles, and Adolescent School Achievement,† debates over several studies that have a correlation on parental involvement and monitoring. â€Å"The socialization progression is bidirectional in that parents convey socialization messages to their children, but their children vary in a level of acceptance, receptivity, and internalization of these messages (Grusec et al.,2000) (C Spera, 2005) â€Å"Authoritative parenting styles are often associated with higher levels of student achievement, although these findings are not consistent across culture, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.†) (C. Spera, 2005) the majority of Freud’s own contributions that were highly contentious in his time, is now everyday ideas in our world. Psychoanalytic contributions to the modern experience and culture didn’t end with Freud’s death; in fact I think that it will l ast for centuries to come. School of Behaviorism When it comes to the concept of behaviorism I often think about the most prominent quote by John B. Watson: Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and Ill guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. John Watson, Behaviorism, 1930 The School of Behaviorism was founded by John B. Watson. He believed that a person’s behavior can be measured, trained, and changed. The focus is placed on philosophical/theoretical underpinnings of behavior analysis. Behavior analysis intangible foundation is described as radical behaviorism, which is characterized by the postulation that behavior can be studied using innate science methods. The behaviorist observation of verbal behavior emphasizes the functional nature of language and the continuation of rule ascendancy in human behavior. The major concepts and theories within the school of behaviorism include cognitive psychology, constructivism, social constructivism, experimental learning, multiple intelligence, and situated learning theory. The major thinkers that influenced behaviorism were John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, B.F. Skinner, Edward Thorndike, and Clark Hull. Ivan Pavlov wasn’t a psychologist and was said to dislike the field altogether, but his work had a major influence on behaviorism. Pavlov made a breakthrough on reflexes influenced the growing behaviorism movement and was known to be cited in John B. Watson’s writings. The work that I associate with Pavlov’s work is his study of conditioning as a structure of knowledge. B.F. Skinner was a inexhaustible novelist, publishing practically 200 articles and more than 20 books. Skinner’s work of operant conditioning is still considered imperative in the present day. This technique is used by mental health professionals. In his own way Skinner left a remarkable legacy on psychology along with other fields ranging from philosophy to education. Edward Thorndike was strongly associated with functionalism. Thorndike’s contribution to psychology was considered to be the father of modern day educational psychology and published several books on the subject. He is also known for his animal experiments and for the law of effect. Clark Hull contributions to psychology of drive reduction theory served as a general theory of learning for other researchers. His theory was a broader version of social learning and imitation without the motivating stimuli needing to the survival needs of an organism. Hulls theories were a leading influence in American psychology. Parenting involves bidirectional interaction linking groups of two or more generations; can lengthen all the way in the course of all or foremost parts of the particular life spans of those groups; may fit into place all institutions within a way of life, including educational, economic, political, and social ones; and is surrounded in the history of peopleas that history occurs within the ordinary and ingenuous settings within which the assemblage lives. If I wanted to give an example of how the school of behaviorism shape and influence societal thinking I would talk about how students join together classroom environments with their teacher’s caring mannerisms, and through classical conditioning, gain knowledge of to act in response to the school with encouraging emotions. Teachers can also improve student feelings of competency by modeling effort and perseverance, also reinforcing authentic undertakings. Reasonably, then, designed in cooperation adolescents and their caregiv ers, teens is a time of exhilaration and of fretfulness; of contentment and of quandary; of innovation and of incomprehension; and of timeouts with the precedent and up till now of associations with the future. Those individuals who are members of civilizing minorities can also provide as role models. I would have to give an example of Arnold Schwarzenegger idolizing a famous body builder and eventually rose to fame as the world’s top body builder career. School of Humanism Humanism was developed in response to Freud’s psychoanalysis and behaviorism. While near the beginning schools of humanism were for the most part centered on anomalous human behavior, humanistic psychology differed considerably in its emphasis to helping people achieve and fulfill their potential. Humanistic, humanism and humanist are vocabulary in psychology concerning to an approach which studies the whole person, and the distinctiveness of each human being.Fundamentally, this vocabulary refers to the same advance in psychology. Humanism is a psychological approach that emphasizes the study of the entire person. Humanistic psychologists look at human behavior not only through the eyes of the spectator, but through the eyes of the person doing the behaving. Humanism is a philosophical and ethical bearing that emphasizes the importance and society of human beings, in isolation and cooperatively and generally prefers critical thinking and verification (rationalism, empiricism) over time-honored set of guidelines or devotion (fideism). The major theorist of humanism is Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Abraham Maslow contributions to psychology focused aspects of human nature that were considered abnormal. His interest in human potential, seeking peak experiences and improving mental health by seeking personal growth had a long lasting influence on psychology. You can say that growing interest was in positive psychology. Maslow even created a pyramid chart listing human hierarchy of needs. 1. Physiological- Human survival- breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion 2. Safety- Security- Morality, Family, Health, Property 3. Love and Belongings- Emotional needs- Friendship, Family, Sexual Intimacy 4. Esteem- Respect- Self- Esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others, respect by others 5. Self-Actualization- Human Achievement- Morality, Creativity, Spontaneity, Problem Solving, Lack of Prejudice, Acceptance of Facts. Carl Rogers’s contribution to psychology was also in human potential. Rogers had major influence on psychology and education. Carl Rogers is mostly considered as an influential psychologist of the 20th century by other psychologist. The variety of humanistic psychotherapy are concepts from profundity rehabilitation, holistic wellbeing, falter upon groups, empathy training, matrimonial and relatives unit therapy, body labor, the existential psychotherapy. The five basic main beliefs of humanistic psychology are: Human beings, as human, take the place of the sum of their parts. They can’t be condensed to components. Human beings have their survival in a distinctively human context, as well as in a celestial bionetwork. Human beings are alert and are attentive of being aware i.e., they are conscious. Human realization constantly includes an knowledge of oneself in the context of additional people. Human beings have the capability to make choices and for that reason have accountability. Human beings are deliberate, aspire at goals, are responsive that they cause potential events, and inquire about meaning, importance, and vision. Strengths Limitations When it comes to the differences in theories, I find that the behaviorism theory flaw is that it became unpopular and unable to hold up to scrutiny in its historical time period. When I compare the theory to Freud’s psychoanalysis theory I acknowledge that it can’t just be one or the other. You need both nature and nurture in order to be complete. The only thing that I find creditable when it comes to the humanistic approach is its positive affirmations to get students confidence and competence where it’s considered at least to be in the normal range. Case Study In this particular case we have a woman named Judy who is a 29-year-old single woman going to college. Judy has a very challenging personality; she constantly deals with high nervous tension job while she is completing her 2nd year as a medical resident in a large hospital. Judy has always been an over achiever. She has finished with top honors in both college and medical school. She has very high principles that she lives by and becomes her worse self critic when she fails to meet them. Lately, she has been struggling with momentous feelings of unimportance and embarrassment due to her incapability to carry out as sound as she constantly has in the precedent. Its’ my opinion, I will give you three different perspectives of the results from the schools of thought. A psychoanalyst would say that Judy is having issues with one the three elements, id, ego, and superego. Since Judy has extremely high expectation about what she fines acceptable. Freud would probably think that Judy is suffering from some type of hysteria. I would think that a behaviorist would say that Judy is having issues with her behavior. I think that a humanist would say that Judy is having issues with motivation and even though she has high competence in the topic. In Judy’s case the school of psychoanalysis and behaviorism would not be completely useful. Psychoanalysis can help determine what is happening in the unconscious mind but it won’t solve the issue. Behaviorism could possibly observe the issue and even attempt to use conditioning methods to solve the problem. The humanistic approach attempt to help with positive reinforcement. This would be the most useful approach because its used to help students be successful. I think that Humanism would be the right school of thought for Judy’s case. Humanistic psychology is a psychological perspective that emphasizes the study of the whole person. This particular school of thought could be correctly used by a teacher in Judy’s school. The teacher could use a student-centered method to help Judy not just with academic but also the psychological need to get depressed over not getting the grades that she was ultimately expecting but not receiving.(positive emotions) When it comes to behaviorism Judy could be conditioned but it is just covering up the problem. Psychoanalysis could help Judy work through her issues but it wouldn’t do anything to help prevent the incident from happening again. Conclusion In my opinion, the concepts of the different types of schools of thought gave everyone a chance to show their opinions on what is considered important. Freud’s concept of the normal mind was very important to his life research. B.F. Skinners and John Watson’s hypothesis of the person can become anything they desire with hard work and growing up in the right environment wasn’t taken as seriously in the public eye as it should have but B.F. Skinners operant conditioning method had a lasting impact on society. Humanism didn’t gain a huge amount of support in the past but gave us a wonderful starting point to positive psychology. References Christopher Spera in Educational Psychology Review (2005) Richard M. Lerner, E. Ree Noh, and Clancie Wilson. 1998 Burrhus Frederic Skinner. (2014). An Introduction to Maslows Hierarchy of Needs–Abraham Maslow Benjamin, Jr., L. T. (2014). A brief history of modern psychology (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons.

Friday, January 17, 2020

My Time in the Rainforest

Today was very productive day. I saw many things that I have never seen before in the Amazon rainforest. It is located in South America and is hugely populated with many different species. It is vast, covering an area of 2,5 million square miles, and we haven't even got one eight yet. Amazon river is one of the reasons the forest is so tremendously populated. It flows for more than 4,000 miles to discharge its waters in the Atlantic Ocean near Belem, Brazil. Along the way, about 1,100 tributaries latch on. One of the most seen birds was the Toucan. It was bigger then I thought it would be. Our guide told us that ten million species of plants, animals and insects live in the tropical forest. As it became dark, we stayed in the undergrowth of the forest where the tree could shade use from the hot sun we were expecting in the morning. The floor of the rain forest was sticky and wet from the rain that had fallen earlier this morning. It was hard to relax because of the weird weather. I could see a rainbow in the sky through the gaps between the canvas of leaves. As I got up, a spider monkey jumped down from the canopy and tried to grab the fruit we picked. We made a quick dash towards a giant tree trunk that had fallen. Thousands of small insects scattered as we approached it. We made a fireplace here to cook the raw meat we had brought. We fetched water from the Amazon river which was flowing near to camp and put in tablets to clean it. As we filled our bottles, piranhas swam towards our hands in the water. The Amazon river was a very dangerous place. –Day 2 24.09.10 We woke up at dawn when most of the animals would be sleeping. We saw an anaconda slither by. It was 21 feet long and I saw it choke a Giant Anteater. We were far away and the snake didn't spot us. A pack of squirrel monkeys passed us and we carried on through. It was getting cooler and there were less animals wandering about. More deadly animals started to appear, such as the poison dart frog. Our guide told us it is very small in size, but poisonous enough as to kill up to 100 people. It has the most powerful poison known by man, but harmless if left alone. Amazon Indians hunt using its poison in the tip of their arrows. –Day 3 25.09.10 We were heading towards Manaus, the weather in tropical areas have equatorial climate, found approximately 5 degrees to the North and South of the equator. Like any other tropical rainforest, it's hot and humid throughout the year, with an average annual temperature of 27à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Religion and Peace - Christianity and Islam - 894 Words

The message of peace is a fundamental universal concern which is relevant throughout our world today. Peace is not merely the ‘absence of war’, but a state of mind in which a sense of tranquillity comes from actively working towards right relationships with individuals and God. To understand the way in which Muslims and Christians view peace it is imperative to understand the source of the teachings for each religion. The principles teachings of peace for Both Christianity and Islam are primarily found in the sacred texts of both religious traditions. Christianity looks to the bible and specifically the New Testament for teachings about peace, whereas Islam focuses’ on the Qur’an and Hadith to guide their beliefs of peace. These sacred†¦show more content†¦The Quran is the fundamental text for all Muslims as it is believed to contain the revelation of Allah, complete and unaltered as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. The secondary sacred text is th e Hadith which refers to the collection of traditions, words and deeds of the prophet Muhammad who lived in accordance to the beliefs of Islam in the way which Allah intended. The Quran refers to Islam as the path of peace and it is due to this importance placed upon peace that the Qur’an also declares that there be no aggressive war permitted in Islam. Peace is achieved through submission to Allah and this is reinforced through daily prayer (salat). Similarities between Christian and Islamic understandings of peace can be seen through the examples of Jesus Christ and Muhammad as prophets being examples of peace in order to guide adherents in their beliefs and practices. The nature of reciprocity is evident through each of their teachings. One of Jesus’ teachings, better known as the golden rule of Christianity is ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. This links with Muhammad’s teaching in the Hadith saying ‘None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself’. These teachings stress the ethic of reciprocity as each adherent (despite differing religious traditions) cannot be faithful to God without considering the needs of others. As it is through care for others that peace can beShow MoreRelatedThe Middle East1289 Words   |  6 Pagessystems in the variety of cultures. There are three major religious based out of the middle east, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Why do these religions have such a rift between them, if their principles are similar? All three of the religions have similar qualities, and many differences, but is that still a reason to compete with each other the way that they do? Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all pray to one God, recognize Jesus Christ,share the Old Testament and carry Holy books. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Value Of Being A Woman - 1541 Words

The Value of Being a Woman: Rhetorical Analysis In the world today, it is believed by many transgenders that they are equal to woman. In this essay I will discuss the opinion of a writer for the New York Times the characteristics she believes a woman should have. I believe that transgenders are not equal to woman and can never be no matter how many surgeries they may have. Neither a sex change nor name change can make you a woman and give you the qualities and experiences that woman bares throughout her life time. Elinor Burkett, which is the writer of What Makes a Woman? uses many different strategies, a broad range of examples, and even some opinions of others and herself to explain why she feels transgenders are not equal to woman. Also to explain why she feels that a surgery, wearing make up, and dressing like a woman doesn t make you a woman. She goes into detail describing the hardships of woman and how some one who wasn t born a woman could never fully understand them. She explains from a woman s point of view how men and women have never been equal, what woman have been going through, and how they have to work twice as hard to survive in this world. She uses two people throughout her essay who are transgenders who’ve been accepted by the world to get her point across which are Bruce Jenner Lawrence H. Summers. While analyzing the article I recognized three kinds of arguments used throughout the paper by the author which were casual, evaluation, andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Porphyria s Lover By Alfred Lord Tennyson1599 Words   |  7 Pagesobligated to fulfill these societal values because they lived in a world where the men dominated the social hierarchy, and women were not free to express nor be themselves. In the poem, â€Å"Mariana†, written by Alfred Lord Tennyson, a woman named Mariana is waiting all night for a man to come proclaim his love for her. 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